Inappropriate referrals to special education are costly and stigmatizing when placing students in special education programs.
In generating an understanding and explanation of the processes related to the special education referral and assignment of students, my research helped broaden the dialogue about the underlying challenges parents and teachers experience in this unfamiliar process. My findings were that both teachers and parents experience frustration, confessing the referral process as complex and involving inadequate teacher-parent communication and lack of shared knowledge.
These may be symptoms of what teachers report as inadequate training in special needs and special education referral and assignment processes. This lack of training is a potential risk factor for incorrect evaluations of students’ learning abilities, which may result in overrepresentation and or misdiagnosis of certain groups of students in special education programs.
Due to parents being uninformed regarding school procedures and parental rights, and placing blind trust in teachers, effective methods to inform and educate parents is warranted.In this training we will review a series of effective professional development and in-service training for teachers on the referral process.
Trainings include specific strategies for effectively communicating with parents and Teacher best practices about the referral process.
Training Subjects Includes:
- RTI training
- Referral Assignment and placement
- Parent Communication
Questions & Answers
Train teachers to skillfully and successfully navigate through the processes of correctly referring students to special education through a systematic approach.
No Prerequisite Requirements
In some cases, a school or district will have several teachers who are regestering in taking the same training course. If that is the case at your school or organization, we offer the following group discounts:
10% discount off each enrollment fee for groups of 2 to 10 participants.
20% discount off each enrollment fee for groups of over 20 participants.
If your school or district is participating in our discount program please send us an email requesting a group discount code.