Strategies For Supporting ELLS In The Classroom


At ECAAS we believe the growth of all students is supported by creating a positive learning environment.  Most elementary teachers try to provide a welcoming classroom environment and establish a predictable structure.

A predictable classroom structure is important because beginning EL students may not initially understand verbal cues. A predictable classroom structure can reduce fear and anxiety, creating an environment of comfort and security. Predictable classroom structure enables a child to know what to expect so the child can organize their behavior to be successful.

When a child learns the schedule and norms of a classroom, the child is more likely to arrive on time, follow the rules, and engage effectively in applying their cognitive skills to learning. Studies have shown that predictable classroom structures also aid in language development.

Suggestions for creating a predictable classroom environment

  1. Develop consistent routines and schedules.
  2. Post the daily schedule.
  3. Use predictable signals for getting student attention, transitions, lining up, ect.
  4. clearly defined and posted behavior expectations.
  5. Establish limits, act firmly, and follow through.
  6. Use predictable procedures for passing out materials.


Researchers estimate that over 10 percent of students in the United States, that equates to more than 4.8 million kids are English language learners (ELLs). Teaching EL students successfully requires keeping your classroom on task and under control. In the Continental blog post, dated, April 29, 2021, Classroom Organization English Language Learners Teaching Strategies. The writer shares some effective classroom management strategies, techniques and tips for effective classroom management for teachers working with ELL students. To read full article click here 

Categories : Devlopment, Education, English Learners (EL)